
Circus Marketing Director & Dancing Bear, Elected Public Official, Award-Winning Mediator, Podcast Host, Paralegal, Author, Toastmaster

As a speaker and workshop leader Judith draws from her experiences in entertainment, family law and mediation to deliver programs that have audiences listening, learning and laughing. 

Judith is focused on delivering highvalue, high-impact Keynotes, Seminars and Workshops to corporations, associations, and the public both in person and virtually. Lunch’n Learn programs are a great way of becoming acquainted with her topics. 

Judith fulfilled her first life dream by working with the Clyde BeattyCole Bros. Circus. Her aesthetic goal in college was to work with as many cultures possible in as many cities in the world, too. With this blended family of performers and animals from countries near and far, Weigle got her first taste for amicable living, and the concepts of Trust, Respect and Inclusion. She understood how to create the greatest team on earth. 

In the cultural hodgepodge of the circus, she learned different parenting styles, and most importantly learned that different educational and economic backgrounds could respect each other and work towards a common goal: A show that made millions of other families happy

From the 3Ring circus of elected politics, to a career in the actual circus, and currently the divorce arena through her podcast THE Amicable Divorce Expert, Judith has been in the spotlight her entire career. Now she is shining a spotlight on you, your company, and your clients to grow in ways that will have you perform at your best in your very own center ring act, your job and your life.